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Where are the men?

I know -there are land minds everywhere you step. You aren't sure if you should say anything  - because it isn't your issue.  You aren't sure what to say and maybe you don't even want to weigh in. It is an uncomfortable truth that the bias has benefited you simply because of your gender.  However, in this moment and time, you should be part of the conversation. Otherwise your silence is deafening.

I realize it might be uncomfortable to talk when you have benefited or turned a blind eye.  But it cannot be any harder than to talk when you have been blacklisted, harassed, or assaulted.  Don't get me wrong, it takes courage to speak out in this current environment. Everyone seems to be judged currently even when trying to do something that could make a positive impact, but that doesn't mean we should stop trying. When Oprah spoke of those little girls watching on their floors as someone like them was speaking on television, it occurred to me that those little girls should also see representatives that don't look like them speaking about these issues on their tv. Otherwise, in 25 years, we will be having another moment.  And it will look quite similar.

Every where you go - radio shows, newspapers, professional groups are talking about how important culture in a workplace has become to their reputation with the public.  . Uber is a great example of culture issues damaging the image and the bottom line. It is the number one problem in large company's today and without the proper leadership - it will grow larger and larger.

A company's culture and reputation hinge on a key ingredients such as accountability, transparency and integrity and if you want to lead the way into the future - you need to take a hard look at yours and decide to take the time and money to be stronger, to have more integrity and to build a culture.  Now you can decide to do this with your current people - who are most likely good people - but if you want to have the same outcome - continue to do the same things.  If you want to change your workplace - you are going to have to do something different.  Look outside of your staff and find programs that will build a culture that is resilient and strong. One that you will be proud to discuss. It will make you stronger - protect your hard work and create profitability throughout the market place. 

It's no secret that men predominately are in the decision making positions- decide to grow and build your workplace - reach out to WEEEHelp for workplace ethics, etiquette and education. 

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