Are you afraid to take the next step in your relationship? Ask for the raise at work? Not sure how to look for a new job or have that difficult conversation with a friend? If you would like to learn how to take the next step and with coaching on what to say and how to say it - then email me and I will set up a complimentary one-on-one coaching session with you today. I only have time for 3 new clients - so please don't hesitate to message me at
Leading the way in changing the workplace on issues such as sexual harassment, gender bias and equal opportunities is no longer a suggestion. This isn't a moment that is going to pass. This is movement that is going grow. It is going to be imperative that you are taking the initiative to make sure that you are holding your employees accountable for their actions. This can only happen if you have a culture that supports transparency and believes in holding people accountable. Companies must invest in building leaders that support these beliefs. In Oprah Winfrey's incredible speech at the Golden Globes tonight she said,"For too long women have not been heard or believed if they dare speak the truth to the Power of those men. But their time is up!" She and many others are speaking to a call to all to speak out. And not just in Hollywood but across all industry's. This is a time to step forward make a stronger future. And we need everyone to be a part of ...
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